Kapilvastu is located in the southern Nepal, bordering India. Lumbini, the birth place of Siddharth Gautama, is located in Kapilavastu district of Nepal. Lumbini is one of four important pilgrimage destinations associated with the life of the Buddha; the others being Kushinagar, Bodh Gaya and Sarnath. Gautam Buddha spent his first twenty-nine years of life in this region only. Protected from all the harsh realities of life, he was leading a life of pure bliss. But, one day he came across people suffering from various miseries in life.
That day, he gave up all the comforts and left his home to help others in relieving their agony. These events led to the establishment of one of the greatest religions of the world, known as Buddhism. Excavations carried out by the Archaeological survey of India relate Kapil Vastu to the Kushan period. The excavations include a stupa, of an ancient monastery named Devaputra, and two mounds, regarded as the ruins of King Suddhodhana's palace. Other major attractions of Kapilvastu include stupas built by Ashoka and the Gupta Kings, relics of Lord Buddha, etc.
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