Thursday, September 23, 2010

UNESCO has declared Lumbini as a World Heritage Site. It is recognized by UNESCO that the birth place of the Gautam Buddha is in Lumbini. It is widely accepted that the Lord Buddha spent the first 29 years of his life in nearby Kapilavastu. The location of Kapilavastu is under dispute.
The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has identified Piprahwa, an archaeological site in India (15 km south of Lumbini) as the historic Kapilavastu. Remains of a large stupa and a number of monastic buildings, dating from Buddha's lifetime to the early centuries AD were found by them during excavations from 1975 to 1979, including a relic casket from the earlier period. Also found were a number of sealings referring to Kapilavastu.
The Nepalese Government has disputed the location of Kapilavastu, claiming that Tilaurakot (27 km from Lumbini) is the original Kapilavastu. This archeological site contains the remains of a city wall and moat as well as the foundations of a residential compound. In 1996 the Nepalese Government petitioned UNESCO for World Heritage Status for this site as Kapliavastu. UNESCO has not certified it as such as of 2010.

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